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Dawn M Johnson, JAMESTOWN

i've had breast lift, lipo and upper eye lid surgery , happy with all my results . i would recommend dr. shatkin

Nadja Piatka, BUFFALO

Thank you to the wonderful staff at your office. Special recognition to Michelle McCarthy, PA-C for her obvious care for her patients. Some offices are more concerned about filling their day and billing but that is not the case at the Aesthetic Associates Center. When I arrived for my appointment today Michelle was sensitive to my needs and situation and she wanted to make sure I had the best experience which meant rescheduling. I am truly grateful for her good advice to rebook my appointment and for putting my best interest first. Thank you again!

Beth Z, East Amherst

I had to have a very large cyst removed. Another surgeon said I would need anesthesia and did not know what the lesion was. Dr. Shatkin felt it was a subaceous cyst after a thorough exam. He was able to remove it just using novocaine! Very little pain day of surgery and then felt great. I highly recommend Dr. Shatikin!!

Evelyn C., Buffalo

I highly recommend Dr. Shatkin. He is a gifted surgeon and I am very pleased with the outcome of my facelift. He is a good listener and provides excellent aftercare. The Aesthetic Associates Centre also provides many state-of-the art procedures.

Evelyn C., Niagara Falls

Dr. Shatkin is an incredible surgeon. The outcome of my facelift is everything I'd hoped for. The surgery was near painless, the aftercare was excellent. Look no further if you are looking for a skilled and experienced surgeon. His practice also provides state-of-the art skin procedures. Thank you Dr. Shatkin.

Crystal E. , Winchester

Great practice