Amherst Symphony Orchestra Honors AAC

December 4, 2016- Amherst Symphony Orchestra Honors AAC


The Amherst Symphony Orchestra took the time before their Annual Family Concert today to honor the Aesthetic Associates Centre and Doctors Todd and Samuel Jr. for their ongoing commitment to supporting arts and culture in the Western New York community.  For the 25th year, the Aesthetic Associates Centre has given their financial support and for this they are being honored.  Both graduates of Amherst High School, Dr. Sam and Todd carry on the tradition of their support started by their parents, the late Joan and Samuel Shatkin Sr. back 25 years ago.  

"Our parents always taught us to not only enjoy the arts.  As participants in music and the musicals at Amherst High School, myself and my siblings have always felt a close relationship to music and the arts.  Giving back so many can enjoy the  arts is our way of remaining connected" says Dr. Samuel Shatkin Jr. MD, he goes on to add, " we are also delighted to have one of our employees and good friends, Mark Ahrens, on the Board of Directors at the Amherst Symphony Orchestra.  Many of our staff continue to reach out into the community to share their time and effort for many worthy causes."


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